The sun has left us and the nights are long, but inside there is light and coziness. And there is so much to do, but in our opinion the most important thing is to do a bit less: Calm down, enjoy December and make someone else happy.
In that spirit we open our doors for everyone who want to join us on for our special Christmas event. Bring a friend or two, a child or three, a grandmother or your favorite uncle, a husband or a wife or why not a whole bunch of people that you like, and come spend some peaceful Saturday hours with us. Or come alone and find some new friends!
As if the gorgeous November light, the bright snow and the magnificent Aurora Borealis weren’t enough to rave about these days, the fjords around Tromsø are now filled with whales! Beautiful orcas and humpback whales have come in from the deep seas to feed on krill and herring. We’ve gone out to the fjords to check them out, and can tell you this: There are lots of them! And wait, it gets better: We’ll take you out to see them! Up really close! In our own boat!
Here’s the deal: We take you by car right from the doorstep of our Fisherman’s home or Writer’s home (depending on where you’re staying – and if you’re staying elsewhere we’ll pick you up wherever that is too). After a 20 minute drive we arrive at the boat out in Kaldford – the 30 feet “Inna” that will take us out really close to the whales. Your captain and guide will be Arnt, who will steer the boat safely and tell you everything you want to know about the sea, the life of the fish and how the whales hunt. Having grown up in a rather poor fisherman’s family a bit south of Tromsø just after the second world war, Arnt learnt early on pretty much everything there is to know about the ways of the cod and the currents and the krill and the seas, and he has more than 20 years experience of taking people out fishing – guiding, teaching and telling stories along the way.
If you like film, Tromsø is a great place to be. Tromsø International Film Festival taking place every year in January (NOT TO BE MISSED!) is also in charge of the fantastic Silent Film Days happening every first weekend in September at Verdensteatret. Starting tomorrow, we’re looking forward to a great mix of old Soviet science fiction, Japanese surrealism, Chaplin, Keaton, communist satire and last year’s Oscar success The Artist, everything combined with live music in what has got to be one of the world’s most beautiful cinema theatres.
The fantastic Verdensteatret, literally “The World Theatre”, known by locals as VT, is back in business after the summer holidays. Both a cinema, a cafe and a bar, here’s where you can watch high quality movies and mingle with the locals over a beer or a cup of coffee. Great films are screened twice a day and there’s cheap beer every Thursday evening. Relaxing atmosphere in the daytime and lots of dancing in the weekends.
You’ll find the (always current) film program here:
All films are screened in the original language, usually with Norwegian subtitles.