Found this online. Once a phone booth, now a book booth. We think it’s a really good idea!
A lunch break
Summer in the city
Top 5 August Happenings
This year’s summer may feel like October (we’re still blessed with 10 C and rain up here…), but luckily the weather isn’t the only factor defining the season. More important than the number of hours with sunshine and degrees above 20 C is the number of festivals and the amount of fun you can have attending them. Here’s our top 5 picks for the Tromsø area in August:
Havnnesfestivalen Happening now! Havnnes, Uløy island, August 2nd-4th. Oh so much great music in oh such a beautiful place! Karlsøyfestivalen Karlsøy island, August 7th-12thTaking place at the small and stunningly beautiful Karlsøy island north of Tromsø, it’s alternative, hippie, colorful, different, genuine and not to be missed!
The midnight sun left us for now. The midnight August magic is not a bad replacement, if you ask us. Photos taken last night from Sydspissen, a 2 km stroll from our place.
Welcome, August!